Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Learning Questions: ECED 11

Group 1: New Insights in Child Development and Learning
1. Why is it teaching traditional way is demanding but not very sophisticated?
2. If you were in the actual field of teaching, how can you develop the Multiple Intelligences of your students?
3. What does "meaning makers" mean to you and how can it contribute to the social and moral competence of a child?
4. In assumptions about early childhood education, cite examples that will justify that the first eight years are critical ones in total development,explain?
5. In assumptions about teaching, why we need to acknowledge unique learning styles?

Group 2: Determine if Additional Information is Needed
1. What is the importance of knowing the additional information in implementing authentic assessment?
2. How does developmental benchmarks contribute to authentic assessment?
3. In what situation, the teacher need to prevent analysis paralysis? Why?
4. Which of the four common mistakes is very risky and must be avoided in standardized test? Why?
5. Does authentic assessment is valid and reliable to use in assessing young children? Why?

Group 3: Creativity
1. Are you in favor that all mankind are creative? In what ways?
2. What is the purpose of knowing the creativity of the pupil in classroom setting?
3. What are the different strategies the teacher may use to develop creativity  in a class?
4. What is the difference of creativity and intelligence? If you were given a chance to master one of these, which you will prefer to have? A creativity or intelligence, why?
5. What do you mean by the quote that states "there is a thin line between genius and insanity?

Group 4: Circular Questioning
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of circular questioning to the therapist and client?
2. Why do we need to have assumptions if we can get directly the facts to our client?
3. Is the timeline may be reliable source of information? Why?
4. What is the use of genogram in identifying problems of the client? is it optional to use or not?
5. What can be the possible disadvantages of timeline?

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